Before You Paddle

Before you join one of our activities, there are some things you need to know about our club. 

1. While we will plan friends and family events where men will be welcome, most of our events will be limited to women only.  For our purposes, a woman is anyone who identifies as a female, femme, or non-binary

2. Bullying will not be tolerated, and we reserve the right to ban people who create a hostile environment from our events. 

3. As a Paddle America Club, there are rules that members participating in our events must abide by.  We reserve the right to ban people who do not follow these rules from our events. This includes: 

Life Jacket Wear:  All participants are required to wear a life jacket, and SMWP is expected to enforce this. If a participant were to be injured while not wearing a life jacket, our insurance would be canceled.

Proper Clothing:  We are all between swims. There may be events where we specify that wet suits or dry suits are necessary. We respectfully request that if you are not able or willing to have this equipment you do not participate in those events. 

Drug and Alcohol Use: There will be no alcohol or illicit drug use during our events.  Any person who is under the influence will be asked to leave immediately.  

And of course, the most important rule of all – HAVE FUN!!